[OSGeo-Discuss] Legal Committee

Landon Blake lblake at ksninc.com
Mon Jun 9 10:59:49 EDT 2008

The recent discussions on software export restrictions got me to
wondering if we have, or if we should create, a legal committee. This
would be a group familiar with patent law, licensing terms, and other
legal issues related to geospatial software (like privacy rights, access
to publicly funded data, and copyright issues).


I'm thinking one of the first goals of such a committee would be to
determine what laws and policies the OSGeo needs to comply with in its


I don't have a lot of experience with these areas of law, but my
training and work as a land surveyor has given me some knowledge of the
US legal system. I can read statutes and read and understand most case
law. I'd be willing to assist such a committee if there were other
interested members and a real need for such work.


The committee couldn't offer any legal advice, unless we got a hold of a
real lawyer, but we would at least have a group that could work on
getting "official" answers to important legal questions.


This is just a suggestion.



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