[OSGeo-Discuss] Driving licenses for geofoss?

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Jun 11 06:16:51 PDT 2008

Jeroen Ticheler ha scritto:

> I'm curious to hear some opinions from people on the European Computer
> Driving License (see http://www.ecdl.org ) Foundation.
> There's a specific option to obtain certificates on (proprietary) GIS
> software. Since we're talking about a Foundation, FOSS4G providers
> should be able to offer similar certification.
> http://www.ecdl.org/products/index.jsp?b=0-102&pID=771&nID=772

GFOSS.it is already involved in the process: we have prepared the test,
and soon we'll be ready to implement the whole process.
Paolo Cavallini, see: * http://www.faunalia.it/pc *

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