[OSGeo-Discuss] REGARD 2008: Call for papers & Tyler Mitchell
(OSGeo) to be keynote speaker !!!
Dirk Frigne
dirk.frigne at dfc.be
Mon May 26 13:57:31 EDT 2008
> Come and enjoy with us at Laval University in Quebec City which
> celebrates its 400th birthday this year !
Well, I actually did last week and I can acknowledge that Quebec is a nice
I will look if we can present something about our project on majas mobile
Dirk Frigne
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Namens Thierry Badard
> Verzonden: zondag 25 mei 2008 11:57
> Aan: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> Onderwerp: [OSGeo-Discuss] REGARD 2008: Call for papers & Tyler
> Mitchell (OSGeo) to be keynote speaker !!!
> Hello,
> Just some updates about the 2nd International Workshop on Mobile
> Geospatial Augmented Reality (REGARD 2008) which will be held in Quebec
> City on August 28-29, 2008 ...
> 1) Do not hesitate to propose a paper, submissions are accepted till
> June 9, 2008 !
> 2) Tyler (Mitchell) will be one of the three keynote speakers (thanks
> again Tyler ! ;-)). So, open source geospatial technologies will be
> well
> represented at this event at the crossroad of mobile geospatial
> technologies, augmented reality, location-based games and mobile
> education. It will contribute to improve visibility of OSGeo in the
> academic and (non-geospatial) industrial domains.
> Come and enjoy with us at Laval University in Quebec City which
> celebrates its 400th birthday this year !
> Th.
> ---------
> 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality
> (REGARD 2008)
> http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca
> Laval University, Quebec City (Quebec), Canada
> August 28-29, 2008
> *Keynote speakers*
> We are proud to announce that Tyler Mitchell, executive director of the
> Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo, http://www.osgeo.org) will be
> one of the three keynotes of the event! To know more about his
> presentation, go to http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca/2008/index.php?id=15.
> *Aims and scope*
> Augmented Reality (AR) is a means of blending computer generated
> objects
> or labels with reality so that both appear to be a part of your natural
> environment. AR is beginning to mature as a subject field with
> applications moving from pure academic research into industrial and
> potential consumer areas. In recent years geographic data representing
> real world features has increasingly been used for AR applications. In
> addition, geospatial technologies have established many new services
> and
> applications including navigation, decision support and modelling of
> the
> surrounding environment from which mobile AR and location-aware
> computing can now benefit in order to generate compelling
> spatiotemporal
> applications.
> The International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality aims
> at bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners
> carrying out research and development in this field. The workshop will
> provide a forum for original research contributions and practical
> experiences of mobile AR, geospatial technologies and geoinformatics,
> and mobile games, fostering interdisciplinary discussions in all
> aspects
> of these three fields, and will highlight future trends in this area.
> The workshop will be organized in a way to promote networking between
> the participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding
> cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and
> to promote international collaboration.
> *Topics of interest*
> We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and
> practical
> topics of related to mobile geospatial augmented reality. Suggested
> topics include, but are not limited to the following:
> 1. Geospatial information and geoinformatics
> - 3D spatial modeling
> - Geovisualization
> - Geospatial Service Oriented Architectures and systems for mobile
> distributed computing
> - Context-aware mobility and LBS
> - Geo-sensors and Sensor Web
> 2. Mobile augmented reality
> - Acquisition of 3D scene descriptions
> - Real-time and photorealistic rendering
> - Vision-based registration, object overlay and spatial layout
> techniques
> - Display and view management
> - Interaction techniques
> 3. Mobile games
> - Location based games
> - Spatial data integration and 3D game engine
> - Mobile learning and mobile edutainment
> - Augmented and mixed reality in mobile games
> - Mobile gaming experience and gaming activities
> *Important dates*
> The workshop will be held on the 28th and 29th of August 2008. Here are
> the important dates for the workshop:
> 1. Paper abstracts due June 02, 2008
> 2. Full papers due June 09, 2008
> 3. Notification of acceptance July 01, 2008
> 4. Registration July 15, 2008
> 5. Final paper version due July 15, 2008
> 6. Workshop August 28-29, 2008
> *Instructions for authors*
> The proceedings are expected to be published by Springer in the Lecture
> Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNG&C) series (see
> http://www.springer.com/series/7418). The decision is currently
> pending.
> Authors must submit full papers in English according to the Springer
> formatting guidelines
> (http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca/2008/UserFiles/File/instruct-authors-
> e.pdf).
> The templates (Latex or Word template) for preparing full papers can be
> downloaded here:
> - Download the Word template
> (http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca/2008/UserFiles/File/T1-book.zip)
> - Download the Latex template
> (http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca/2008/UserFiles/File/svmult.zip)
> Nevertheless, *full papers must be submitted in PDF file format*!
> The page limit for full papers is 12 pages. Manuscripts not submitted
> in
> the provided style or having more than 10 pages will not be reviewed
> and
> thus automatically rejected. A paper submitted to the 2nd International
> Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality cannot be under review
> for any other conference or journal during the time it is being
> considered for the workshop. All submissions must be original
> unpublished work written in English that is currently not under review
> elsewhere. The submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by two to
> three members of the international scientific committee and refereed
> for
> their quality, originality and relevance.
> Submission to the workshop will be electronically only. Authors are
> asked to submit an abstract first (up to 500 words) in PDF file format
> and including authors name and affiliations. Please send the abstract
> by
> email to atelierregard at scg.ulaval.ca with "abstract submission" as
> subject.
> Submissions of full papers (in PDF file format) will have to be
> performed through the web submission system which is available on the
> website of the event (http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca).
> *Program chairs*
> Thierry Badard, CRG, Laval University (Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca)
> Sylvie Daniel, CRG, Laval University (Sylvie.Daniel at scg.ulaval.ca)
> *Scientific committee*
> Thierry Badard, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Michela Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
> Pierre Boulanger, University of Alberta, AB, Canada
> Richard Chbeir, University of Bourgogne, France
> Nicholas Chrisman, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Christophe Claramunt, Naval Academy, France
> Sylvie Daniel, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Matt Duckham, University of Melbourne, Australia
> Tom Edwards, Englobe Inc., USA
> Naser El-Sheimy, University of Calgary, AB, Canada
> Robin Harrap, Queens University, ON, Canada
> Nicholas Hedley, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
> Tobias Höllerer, Univ. of California in Santa Barbara, CA, USA
> Frédéric Hubert, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Margot Kaszap, FSE, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Songnian Li, Ryerson University, Canada
> Christian Licoppe, TELECOM ParisTech, France
> Jim Little, University of British Columbia, Canada
> Hervé Martin, LSR-IMAG, France
> Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Silvia Nittel, University of Maine, ME, USA
> Nicolas Paparoditis, MATIS Laboratory, IGN, France
> Wayne Piekarski, Worldviz, CA, USA
> Jacynthe Pouliot, CRG, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Michael Power, FSE, Laval University, Qc, Canada
> Gary Priestnall, University of Nottingham, UK
> Robert Weibel, University of Zurich, Switzerland
> Michael Worboys, University of Maine, ME, USA
> Sisi Zlatanova, TU Delft, The Netherlands
> Th.
> --
> Prof. Thierry Badard, Ph.D.
> ____________________________________________________________
> Professeur au Département des sciences géomatiques
> (http://www.scg.ulaval.ca)
> Chercheur régulier au Centre de Recherche en Géomatique
> (http://www.crg.ulaval.ca)
> Chercheur régulier du Réseau de Centres d'Excellence GEOIDE
> (http://www.geoide.ulaval.ca)
> Chercheur collaborateur de la chaire de recherche
> industrielle en base de données géospatiales décisionnelles
> (http://mdspatialdb.chair.scg.ulaval.ca)
> Responsable du projet de formation sur les normes
> internationales en géomatique
> (http://sirs.scg.ulaval.ca/YvanBedard/formation_ISO.asp)
> Administrateur du projet open source GeOxygene
> (http://oxygene-project.sourceforge.net)
> Département des sciences géomatiques
> Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
> Pavillon Louis-Jacques Casault
> 1055, avenue du Séminaire
> Local 1343
> Université Laval
> Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
> Canada
> Tél.: (418) 656-7116 - Fax: (418) 656-7411
> Courriel : Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
> Web: http://geosoa.scg.ulaval.ca
> ____________________________________________________________
> Avis relatif à la confidentialité
> Notice of confidentiality
> Advertencia de confidencialidad
> http://www.rec.ulaval.ca/lce/securite/confidentialite.htm
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