[OSGeo-Discuss] on Google Code and export restrictions

Agustin Diez Castillo Agustin.Diez at uv.es
Mon May 26 14:49:16 EDT 2008

I was wondering that for a while? 
> A more disturbing question is whether OSGeo, being a US non-profit using
> servers hosted in the US, also has a legal obligation to ensure that we
> aren't exporting code in contravention of US export policy.
> Jason
> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Miguel Montesinos
> Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] on Google Code and export restrictions
> So my suggestion is to check the universal availability of Free and Open
> Source Code promoted by OSGeo. Maybe another check in the incubation
> checklist?
> I know this is a thorny question, that maybe does not affect almost all
> of this list's subscribers, but we must avoid unfairness, regardless of
> where we live.

Dr. Agustín Diez Castillo
Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia
Fundació General Universitat de València
Phone:   +34 963 86 42 42
Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 28   Fax:      +34 963 86 42 34
València 46010

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