[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Hacking event

andrea antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Tue May 27 05:24:04 EDT 2008

Hi Estela,

> I would like to have more details about "OSGeo Hacking event in Bolsena".
> Who is the contact person for this event?

you find everything on the link I provided you in the previous mail.

At the moment the site of osgeo seems to be down??

Anyway, the organizer is Jeroen Ticheler.


> Thanks in advance,
> Estela Llorente López
> http://www.3lgisremotesensing.blogspot.com/
> 2008/5/26, andrea antonello <andrea.antonello at gmail.com>:
>> Regarding the OSGeo Hacking event in Bolsena,
>> (link is here: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Hacking_event)
>> I wanted to ask the partecipants that are already organized, when they
>> were planning to appear at the monastry. I mean, the sprints starts on
>> Monday, which means that people could arrive from Sunday afternoon
>> until Monday night.
>> Jeroen, the monastry is booked from Monday to Sunday?
>> We (JGrass-ers) plan to arrive at Monday morning, but could also be
>> there Sunday evening for an icebreaker cocktail event :).
>> Cheers,
>> Andrea
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