[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source development metrics

Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
Wed May 28 05:47:06 EDT 2008


Thanks for the comments Puneet,

> Actually, a variation on the above may be the best metric -- "create
> feature X that we need in our organization and that works for us."
> That would allow your organization to determine what is meaningful for
> your organization first and for open source second. In other words,
> you would treat open source development no different from non-open
> source development. Open source would simply become a "normal"
> activity.
> Once feature X works for you, you could consider "donating" it to the
> open source community by whatever process that particular open source
> project has.
> Other metrics such as SLOC (source lines of code) or "feature in SVN
> trunk" are not only subject to abuse, they are also mostly
> meaningless.

We want to avoid anything that could result in an isolated fork or branch. 

This is a danger with this approach.

However, it has merit in that it would allow a developer to meet their 
criteria and concentrate on getting the customisation into the trunk in 
own time.


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