[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2008 conference materials

Joe Larson j03lar50n at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 3 13:13:27 EST 2008

Gavin Fleming ha scritto:
> Perfect timing Eduardo
> There was a permissions bug on the FOSS4G website hosted by OSGeo that
> was fixed only last week. Many presentations have since been uploaded
> and we hope to have all of them available soon, along with some of the
> materials from workshops and labs.

Hi Gavin,
thanks a lot for the work, I'm definitely looking forward to read about
all the interesting presentations that I've missed (busy schedule,
could not be everywhere ;) ).

I was looking in this page
and I see materials for, say, 3 presentations only?
When you say uploaded I should not read "published", or am I just 
looking in the wrong place?



Andrea Aime

I also have quite some interest in this. I see that widget. buzzfuze. com is loading when I view an abstract with Firefox - will presentations eventually be available to view through this?

Cheers* joe


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