[OSGeo-Discuss] Best Place For My OSGeo Presentation

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 4 02:19:27 EST 2008

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Landon Blake <lblake at ksninc.com> wrote:
> I've finished with my OSGeo presentation at the Gold Country GIS Users
> Group. (Thanks for all of those that provided reference material and copies
> of their own presentations.)
> I was wondering where the best place would be to archive this presentation.
> Who should I speak to about this? (I can make the presentation available on
> my own website, but I thought it might be helpful to include it with an
> archive of other presentations.)

A couple of OSGeo presentations are tagged "osgeo" here:

(maybe there are more, just missing the "osgeo" tag)


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