[OSGeo-Discuss] Anyone interested in geocoding and routing?

Alvaro Zabala azabala at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 00:15:47 PST 2008


I work for Andalucia's regional gobernment [1], in Spain. We have developed
an open source SOA oriented geocoder, and we are going to publish it before
the end of this year.
It's being developed with Java, and its public API will be SOAP based. We
have choosen SOAP for the geocoder's horizontal character (many departments
needs basic geocoding capabilities
We are planning to host it in Andalucia's repository [2], and probably in
OSOR [3].

In addition to this, spanish gvSIG project will have geocoding capabilities
too [4].

Both projects are open source collaborative projects, so I hope youll have
all the help you need.

Best regards.

[1] Introduction to FLOSS in Andalucia.
[3] OSOR GIS Community.
[4] gvSIG geocoding library (in developing):

Alvaro Zabala Ordóñez
azabala at gmail.com
Tlf: 954 995 572
Gabinete de Normalización y Calidad
Servicio de Coordinación y Desarrollo de Sistemas Horizontales.
D.G. de Innovación y Administraciones Públicas.
Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía
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