[OSGeo-Discuss] Conference Photos

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net
Fri Oct 10 09:23:28 EDT 2008

Hi Chris,
Thanks for that! It's really cool to see someone that took lots of  
pictures of people attending!! You did a terrific job!

On Oct 10, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> I finally finished uploading all the photos I took at/around the  
> conference.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/crschmidt/sets/72157607549536663/
> Includes photos from:
> * Various nights hanging out at the bars/hotels during the conference
> * A trip up Table Mountain with OpenLayers/OpenGeo folks
> * GeoDjango Workshop
> * Sessions, exhibition hall, etc.
> * PIctures from the Gala Dinner at Moyo
> * Closing Session
> * OSGeo AGM
> * OpenLayers Workshop
> * GeoServer Workshop
> Photos that are taken at the conference center/of conference  
> proceedings
> are also tagged with foss4g2008:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/crschmidt/tags/foss4g2008/
> And most photos of people who I recognized are tagged with first  
> name in
> the title, and with a username (as used on IRC or other unique
> identifier) attached as a tag:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/crschmidt/tags/seven/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/crschmidt/tags/stvn/
> Photos of the AGM are also tagged as such:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/crschmidt/tags/osgeo,agm/
> I've made my tagging settings as open as possible, but I believe you
> still need to be a contact on flickr in order to add notes/tags to
> photos: simply add me as a contact, and I'll add you back.
> Any names I got wrong, please let me know, either via email or by  
> simply
> commenting on the flickr photo.
> Thanks to all for helping to create such a photogenic conference.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> Web Developer
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