Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] kicked the ESRI habit, now weening from Bentley MicroStation..looking toward FOSS4G

Lucena, Ivan ivan.lucena at
Tue Oct 28 16:30:55 EDT 2008

Hi Joe,

>  I've been researching OS for about one year now and have seen the
>  light. Also with an anticipated move outside of the United States soon
>  (Brazil, Italy, Greece or Australia), I think having the skills to

>  I think I'll leave my rant at that for now - I am also interested in
>  various other things like contributing to the OSGeo community..perhaps with
>  documentation creation/editing, etc. as it's quite obvious I'm not
>  very well versed in computer science/programming..or getting involved with
>  GIS in the countries I mentioned previously as I'm considering a move
>  or discussing the various Masters programs in GIS out there - but those are
>  for another time ;) CHEERS_ joe

If you choose Brazil I would encourage you to take a look on the Master program at They develop 
and support OS-GIS and I know a lot people that graduated there and found good position with the major players 
on the academic and industrial field all over the Word. If that is what you are looking for. And it is free... (gratis)


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