[OSGeo-Discuss] kicked the ESRI habit, now weening from Bentley MicroStation..looking toward FOSS4G

Eric Wolf ebwolf at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 13:44:08 EDT 2008

I'll have to run that by the boss. Since you are tied to CISG, it'll be
easier. I am supposed to be presenting in Ming Tsou's session "Internet
GIS, Virtual Globes, and related Cartographic Research".

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>wrote:

> Eric Wolf wrote:
>> <grin>
>> I'm about to submit my abstract to the AAG conference on comparing
>> available distributed geospatial technologies for the USGS National Map.
>> Of
>> course, I haven't really even started the footwork...
>> I'd be very interested to see other people's benchmarks.
>> -Eric
> Eric,
> Would you be interested in joining our session on FOSS GIS? We're still
> looking for some more talks, and now have the backing of the AAG
> Cyberinfrastructure group which should ensure a good crowd of techies.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/AAG_2009
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Eric B. Wolf                          720-209-6818
USGS Geographer
Center of Excellence in GIScience
PhD Student
CU-Boulder - Geography
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