[OSGeo-Discuss] some post-FOSS4G thoughts

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Oct 7 06:43:41 PDT 2008

Laura Toma ha scritto:
> Dear OSGeo community, 
> After attending FOSS4G last week, I wanted to share some thoughts.  As
> much as I'd like to be a regular attendee, I am afraid that the
> conference is becoming too  expensive.
> audience.  For e.g.,  have a regional conference;  and/or  split into
> several venues e.g.  users/research/business/developers;   have lower
> rates for academia and researchers.  

I think you raised a good point. I have seen several people, very active
and interested on the freegis scene, not going for the very same
problem. On the other hand, I do not agree with having lower rates for
academia: lots of free lance devs (often the blood of many projects) are
not affiliated to any university, and they would be even more cut out of
the event. Splitting makes the metting less interesting, so it is not
the best option.
So the message to the organizers is: keep it simple and cheap.
E.g.: hold the conference close to a low cost airport, provide cheap
accommodation for those who cannot afford a 4-star hotel, and keep the
registration costs as low as possible.
Paolo Cavallini, see: * http://www.faunalia.it/pc *

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