[OSGeo-Discuss] FLOSS-GPS mailing list?
Risto H. Kurppa
risto at kurppa.fi
Thu Sep 18 17:57:03 PDT 2008
Thanks for the encouragement and thanks for Tyler for actually
creating the list and OSGeo in generally for hosting it!
So there is now a new list at http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss-gps
Check the invitation at
You're warmly welcome to join the list!
First thing first, I think it's vital for an open source project to
communicate with the community - the end users of your software.
It's useless for all projects to have their own mailing list so this
FOSS-GPS is a nice tool for you to get in contact with the community.
Join the list to hear what the users think of your software. Ask them
what kind of features they would like to to see in the following
releases. Encourage skilled users to send patches. Release alpha and
beta versions to be tested and get your feedback. Share ideas and
solutions with other developers to get the most out of GPS. Let the
community know how your project is doing, where would a path or two be
needed and so on. Maybe you need a translation.
If your project already has a mailing list or a forum it's still
useful to join to hear what the users think and also let more users
know right away about your releases.
You're welcome to join the list! Write a little introduction when you
join so people know that your project is there. Also tell about the
list on your project web page to let the users know where to go to
contact you and other users in case they want some more information
about the software.
Do you want to know what's happening in the Open Source GPS world?
What are the hottest programs and features? Maybe you want to know if
your favorite program will release a new version soon and help them by
testing the beta version. Or do you want to share your experiences
about the software: what are the best features, what's still missing?
What did you find when you needed a tool to import gps tracks or
You're welcome to join the list! Write a little 'Hello World' note
telling who you are, what GPS software you use and so on. If you're on
some forums that have people who might be interested about this it's
more than encouraged to spread the world! Tell the developer of your
favourite programs to join the list to get the latest from the
| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi
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