[OSGeo-Discuss] How do feet work?

Paul Austin mail-lists at revolsys.com
Tue Sep 23 11:31:08 PDT 2008

Hi guys,

I'd like some input from the US folks on how they deal with feet in mapping
in relation to rules.

For metres life is simple you do divisions at 1mm, 1cm, 1dm, 1m, 10m, 100m,
1km, 10km, 100km etc.

For imperial things get a little more interesting as you have to deal in
inches, feet (maybe yards) and miles. What would a similar sequence of ruler
divisions be in the imprerial world?

1/8". 1/4", 1/2", 1", 1', 1yd, 100yd, 500yd, 100yd, 1mi, 10mi, 100mi,

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