[OSGeo-Discuss] Time window request on OGC protocol?

Raj Singh raj at rajsingh.org
Fri Sep 26 06:43:06 PDT 2008

If all you need are time and bounding box parameters, WFS Simple might  
be easier to implement than WFS:

Andrea does a good job of describing how to do a time query with WFS,  
but it requires using Filter Encoding, which is a bit heavy.

I also have just created a sourceforge site for an open source Java  
servlet implementation of WFS Simple:


On Sep 26, at 5:12 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:

> Domenico Febbo ha scritto:
>> Hi all,
>> maybe it is a very newbies' question:
>> I need to implement a Web Service based on GML that accept a XML  
>> request
>> with two main things consist of:
>> 1) WGS84 coordinates for a geographical area
>> 2) the timeframe (start time and stop time) used to query to the  
>> geodatabase
>> historical data.
>> It was very usefull (for me) to implement a web service over the WFS
>> protocol or other OGC standard protol,
>> but I didin't found a clear solution.
> WFS does not have a TIME parameter like WMS has, yet you can just
> publish the time attributes as part of your feature type, and
> create an OGC filter in your WFS request to filter upon them.
> For the details, I suggest you have a look at the WFS 1.0  
> specification
> and at the Filter 1.0 specification (available at the OGC site),
> they are a dry read but should allow you to setup the request you're
> looking for.
> Cheers
> Andrea
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