[OSGeo-Discuss] Slashgeo on PlanetOSGeo, at Where 2.0 and more

Alexandre Leroux alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca
Wed Apr 1 11:38:14 PDT 2009

Hi OSGeo enthusiasts,

Don't mean this as spam at all. Here's quick items that may interest you.

- Slashgeo's 'open source topic' (http://opensource.slashgeo.org/ ) has 
been added to Planet OSGeo (http://planet.osgeo.org/ ) at Tyler's 
suggestion (thanks Tyler!). It should not generate too many duplicates, 
if it does, the feed will simply be removed.

- Slashgeo.org will attend O'Reilly's Where 2.0 conference. More 
precisely, Landon Blake, an active member of the OSGeo and OpenJUMP 
contributor will represent Slashgeo at the conference. If you haven't 
registered, you can use our 15% discount code "whr09slgeo".

As most of you probably already know, Slashgeo.org regularly covers 
geospatial open source software because I'm a FOSS4G user and 
enthusiast. The site is ad-free and community-driven (and still not 
sustainable yet ;-).

My team uses FOSS4G software for operational purposes (24/7 
environmental emergency response). I'll try to write about our 'use 
cases' eventually. We also have a major project that uses 
MapFish/OpenLayers/GDAL-OGR that should be available to the public in 
about 10 months on one of the most visited websites in Canada 
(http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca ).


Alexandre Leroux, M.Sc., Ing.
Environnement Canada / Environment Canada
Centre météorologique canadien / Canadian Meteorological Centre
Section de la réponse aux urgences environnementales /
Environmental Emergency Response Section
alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca

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