[OSGeo-Discuss] Open File Formats and Proprietary Algorithms
Ted Habermann
Ted.Habermann at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 25 19:51:55 PDT 2009
Lots of discussions on standardization of data formats, lots of
challenges there. One thing that has not been mentioned (I think) is the
idea of standardizing responses from users about 1) uses of data and 2)
limitations of data (files too big fits in here). Both of these are
included in the MD_Usage object that is part of the ISO 19115 Standard
included in GeoNetwork. Would be very cool to build into GeoNetwork the
capability to accept user feedback about datasets and to associate that
feedback with the appropriate datasets in the GeoNetwork catalog and to
make it available to 1) data providers and 2) future users...
Seems straightforward,
==== Ted Habermann ===========================
Enterprise Data Systems Group Leader
NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center
V: 303.497.6472 F: 303.497.6513
"If you want to go quickly, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together"
Old Proverb
==== Ted.Habermann at noaa.gov ==================
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