[OSGeo-Discuss] osgeo4w stack building notes: maybe a dedicated wiki?

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 11:02:03 EST 2009

osgeo4w is making its way in various institutions. The tam-tam has
begun and I hear people beginning to ask about it. The Windows users
are the most between GIS users, so it is an expected clamour.
Right yesterday I've been asked if it's possible to manage
GRASS/QGIS/GDAL/R/Python bindings building with the same ease as on
Linux platforms. I've left the Windows world some years ago, but now I
need to start again with it, and I need to answer this question to my
boss and collegues. I've read in the recent MLs threads about QGIS and
MSVC, GRASS on MSYS, R... I'm not sure but AFAIU MSYS too... My boss
has asked me to have a build of GRASS7, with the new Python bindings,
and the rest of the stack I said before. Is it possible to organize in
the OSGEO wiki some notes on how to start up with the building of it?
There are various sparse notes (for GRASS and QGIS), but they mostly
refer to the single executables, and not to the Osgeo4w way.
I know it's not easy to realize it, first of all because everything is
evolving very fast, and things change in a day... But it could help,
at least to have a first reference (notes and people working on that
specific topic). OsGeo4w wiki could be the right place.
Anyway, next days I will start the long way to GRASS7+QGIS building! :)


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