[OSGeo-Discuss] osgeo4w setup.exe source code?

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Feb 26 13:08:21 EST 2009

Yves Moisan wrote:
> Frank and all,
> On a related note, I'm building a large NSIS installer for our
> application which includes a bunch of things, among which several
> MS4W/OSGEO4W web-related packages.  Because of operational constraints,
> the installer must run without an internet connection so I found
> embedding the MS4W executable with a local zip file in my installer to
> be the easiest way to do that.  Is there a way to do something similar
> with OSGEO4W ?


The way I'd suggest approaching an NSIS based installer for a particular
suite of packages from OSGeo4W is to do an install of what you want
and then build the NSIS installer from that installed image.  If you want
the install to be relocatable then a non-trivial effort would also be
required to collect the set of post install .bat scripts for the installed
packages, and run them all from the NSIS installer with the environment
set up appropriate (to reset paths, etc).

If you were willing to fix a location for the install (ie. C:\MyPackage)
then this post install work would not be required, and the only extra work
would be creating any desired shortcuts on the desktop and in the start

> Also, a couple of months ago I set up a system with OSGEO4W and IIRC
> some gdal tools weren't working as they used to on an MS4W setup.  Is it
> me or is the OSGEO4W setup isn't quite the same as MS4W at the end of
> the day ?

They general approach is similiar for layout but the mechanism for
initialization scripts (for instance) is quite different.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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