[OSGeo-Discuss] seeking OS client API to embed maps in desktop app

Judy and Chris Beaudette jcbeaude at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 23 02:03:42 EST 2009


my company is developing a demo that queries tabular data for environmental facilities based on environmental interests, NAICS codes, etc. and generates reports that have embedded simple maps (google maps) with the facility location and some facility details in a custom marker.  we want to embellish the maps by pulling data from different sources as follows:
   - environmental tabular/attribute data in xml fed from Web services
   - GeoRSS with location data from the same Web services
   - spatial data from other WMS, WFS, WCS services

to that end, we're looking for an appropriate open source GIS client application that can do the OGC stuff and that we can pass the attribute and GeoRSS stuff for rendering the environmental data.

those are the gotta-haves.  the nice-to-haves are:
   - .NET or C/C++ API (preferred) or Java API, so that the maps can be embedded in a desktop application, but barring that:
   - a Web API (HTML, python, php, etc.), and barring that:
   - a desktop client that can be invoked from our app that can do all of the above

after browsing the products pages at osgeo.org, opengeospatial.org, opensourcegis.org and freegis.org, the names that kept coming up were gvSIG, iGeoPortal, and maybe uDIG, with various other possibilities (cartoweb, GeoDango, Chameleon, Mapfish, and of course many others).  

does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on what would:
   - work best to support the functionality required in the demo, while at the same time (and to a lesser degree):
   - what is a viable long-term solution (i.e. not likely to go away any time soon)

thanks in advance,


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