[OSGeo-Discuss] seeking OS client API to embed maps in desktop app

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Fri Jan 23 23:22:00 EST 2009


GeoMoose doesn't do everything you're looking for, but it's a very good 
for connecting and presenting different data streams in a single 
interface.  Combining it with something like QGIS is something we've 
looked at ourselves.


Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> 2009/1/23 Judy and Chris Beaudette <jcbeaude at yahoo.com>:
>> greetings.
>> my company is developing a demo that queries tabular data for environmental
>> facilities based on environmental interests, NAICS codes, etc. and generates
>> reports that have embedded simple maps (google maps) with the facility
>> location and some facility details in a custom marker.  we want to embellish
>> the maps by pulling data from different sources as follows:
>>    - environmental tabular/attribute data in xml fed from Web services
>>    - GeoRSS with location data from the same Web services
>>    - spatial data from other WMS, WFS, WCS services
>> to that end, we're looking for an appropriate open source GIS client
>> application that can do the OGC stuff and that we can pass the attribute and
>> GeoRSS stuff for rendering the environmental data.
>> those are the gotta-haves.  the nice-to-haves are:
>>    - .NET or C/C++ API (preferred) or Java API, so that the maps can be
>> embedded in a desktop application, but barring that:
>>    - a Web API (HTML, python, php, etc.), and barring that:
>>    - a desktop client that can be invoked from our app that can do all of
>> the above
>> after browsing the products pages at osgeo.org, opengeospatial.org,
>> opensourcegis.org and freegis.org, the names that kept coming up were gvSIG,
>> iGeoPortal, and maybe uDIG, with various other possibilities (cartoweb,
>> GeoDango, Chameleon, Mapfish, and of course many others).
>> does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on what would:
>>    - work best to support the functionality required in the demo, while at
>> the same time (and to a lesser degree):
>>    - what is a viable long-term solution (i.e. not likely to go away any
>> time soon)
>> thanks in advance,
>> ~~crb
> QGIS (http://qgis.org) is probably a good fit for your needs - we have
> an API that can be used from Python or C++. It doesnt have everything
> you need (e.g. GeoRSS support isnt there) but its a great solution for
> writing vertical applications with embedded GIS data browsing
> functionality.
> Regards
> Tim
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