[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo-fr begin the translation of QGI documentation

Yves Jacolin (free) yjacolin at free.fr
Wed Jan 28 15:00:02 EST 2009


There are a french group under the OSGeo-fr umbrella who begin (last week) to 
translate the documentation into french.

If you are interesting to help us, you are welcome. You can get more 
information on the Francophone Mailing List [1] or check the 
wiki page [2].


Best regards,

[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/francophone
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=Doc_qgis_fr
Yves Jacolin
"Donner la liberté aux individus ne suffit pas, il faut aussi leur donner du
pouvoir, de la puissance d'agir." M Gauchet

"Give freedom to people is not enough, we also have to give them the power 
to use this freedom, to act". M Gauchet

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