[OSGeo-Discuss] Some cialis spam in the wiki...

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses pferrer at osgeo.org
Fri Jul 3 03:55:29 PDT 2009

¡Hola Arnulfo!

> If you are interested in busting this kind of page yourself you are
> invited to take on the burdens of the sysop role [1]. This list of
> people can delete pages.
> I just checked the user list [2] and deleted a dozen more cialis bust
> enhancers. If I would gobble all that stuff my bodily dimensions would
> have grown beyond any imaginable bra sizes...

Nowadays I'm following the wiki changes via RSS so usually I notice
this kind of pages, may be "tomorrow" I won't attend the RSS so much,
but in the meanwhile I can do some "dirty job" for the Comunity, if
you give me "the power"... mhuahahaahahahaha!!!!

And Arnulf, I'm not really interested about your "bodily dimensions",
for sure mate, "ni de coña" ;-D


Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
Valencia (España)

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