[OSGeo-Discuss] ISO 19115

Jens Fitzke fitzke at lat-lon.de
Tue Jun 23 23:36:27 PDT 2009

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Though this is not what you are explicitly looking for, these two documents
include some valuable information about 19115:

On a high level, the GSDI cookbook: http://www.gsdi.org/gsdicookbookindex.php

On a more technical level, with implicit information about 19115, the INSPIRE MD
implementing rules:

As far as I know, the FGDC standard was one of the major input documents on
which the ISO 191115 work item was based.

Landon Blake wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good English language tutorial or article on the
> metadata standard formalized as ISO 19115? I’m particularly interested
> in how if relates to the former FGDC metadata standard used in the
> United States, and the differences between the two standards.
> The FGDC metadata standard had some great documentation and tutorials.
> I’ve found far less supplemental material for ISO 19115, but maybe I’m
> not looking in the correct place. I worry this type of documentation
> might not materialize since we are dealing with an ISO spec.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Landon

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