[OSGeo-Discuss] GIS_Libraries

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue May 5 10:47:32 PDT 2009

> > 
> > But if he wants to keep his code under some closed-source license then he can
> > not link to or embed any GPL licensed code or library.

Whence licence exceptions e.g. in ExtJS
(http://extjs.com/products/floss-exception.php) to allow using ExtJS
(GPL) with an application/library that is distributed as an open source
type of license.  

My understanding is that what this tells is if you are distributing a
closed-source app, either GPL it (or buy a license, in the specific case
of ExtJS) but if you're in the open source bandwagon, then you can use
our GPL'ed piece and not have to relicense your already open source
software to GPL.  I think things are clearer for me now.


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