[OSGeo-Discuss] New to the list & A question

Chris Puttick chris.puttick at thehumanjourney.net
Wed May 6 10:25:52 PDT 2009

For what reason are they running ArcSDE? The answer depends on the reason...


----- "Andy Kannberg" <andy.kannberg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello people,
> I am new to the list, and I have subscribed for the following reason:
> I am a linux/unix consultant, currently deployed at a government. At
> this government they use a GIS system, based on Mapserver. Additional
> software is also used, like GDAL, GEOS, ECW, ArcSDE SDK, Xerces-c,
> Oracle Instant client, GD, Proj, Fcgi and Postgis.
> All is running on a RHEL4 system. The idea is to run this all on
> Ubuntu 8.04. I've found all packages to be available on Ubuntu,
> except
> for ArgSDE SDK (Now a part of ArcGIS Server) and ECW, which is from
> Erdas. ArcGIS server is propietary, and is only supported on RedHat
> or
> Suse.
> ECW is a SDK from Erdas (www.ermapper.com), and, apparantly they've
> changed their EULA and it says, it is now allowed to use the ECW SDK
> within Mapserver. (This is second hand info, so please don't shoot me
> if it is not correct.)
> So, my actual question is, is there an alternative to ArcGIS and ECW
> ?
> Would appreciate it if someone can shed a light on this, as GIS
> systems are new to me.
> cheers,
> Andy Kannberg
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