[OSGeo-Discuss] 52°North News

Ann Hitchcock (52north) hitchcock at 52north.org
Mon May 25 02:36:49 PDT 2009

***Sorry for any crosspostings***

52°North Newsletter ------ Issue 1/2009 - May 2009


today's topics


2. Wupperverband's water gauge data is online ("Pegel Onlinedaten")

3. Winners of the 52°North Student Innovation Prize for Geoinformatics

4. ILWIS 3.6 Open

5. Web Processing developments

6. SOS and Facebook

7. FOSSGIS 2009

8. Geoinformatik 2009



The BAW (German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute) now provides access to the federal water gauges via its Sensor Observation Service (SOS) free of charge. The general public can thus access approximately 550 gauges along the federal, coastal and inland waterways. Each water gauge is updated regularly and automatically - some along the coast are updated every 5 minutes.

The SOS was developed on top of existing web services and extends the existent Pegelonline system to provide Federal Waterways Administration's (Wasser- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung) hydrological data, free of charge and worldwide. Since it was developed according to OGC standards it also enables the integration of sensor data in SDIs

Terms of use:


Web services visualization:


2. Wupperverband's water gauge data is online (Pegel Onlinedaten)

Citizens can now access the Wupperverband's water gauge data free of charge via the internet. This data can be displayed in a table, in a map overview, as well as in a view for internet compatible Smartphones. It is also possible to have a look at the water level development of the last week or the last year.

Sensor Web services enable the visualization of the gauge data in FluGGS<http://52north.org/%20http:/www.fluggs.de> (the Wupperverband's FlussGebietsGeoinformationsSystem). The Sensor Web Community was significantly involved in implementing applications for the Pegel Onlinedaten, e.g.:
-  the development of client applications which enable the visualization of data collected via the Sensor Observation Service (e.g. combination and superimposition of water levels, runoff, rainfall, etc. time series),
-  the implementation of controllable cameras and alert service to supervise the storm water storage basin via the Sensor Planning Service,
-  the implementation of a Sensor Alert Service to monitor hydrological data (e.g. water level data) and Sensor Alert Service.

Further information (in German) can be found under the following links:

Wupperverband: http://www.wupperverband.de<http://www.wupperverband.de/>

FluGGIS: http://www.fluggs.de<http://www.fluggs.de/>

Water gauge data can be accessed directly here:


Sensor Web im FluGGS:

German press release:


3. Winners of the 52°North Student Innovation Prize for Geoinformatics
52°North is proud to announce the winners of the first 52°North Student Innovation Prize for Geoinformatics. This prize was designed to encourage students to contribute to the development and practical realization of innovative concepts in the field of geoinformatics. Due to the number of applicants and the high quality of proposals, the jury decided to award three prizes:
First prize: Thorsten Deelmann and Martin Wilden from the Institute for Geoinformatics in Muenster, Germany for their proposal "Prioritizing tasks for a Web Processing Service".
Second prize: Victor Gonzales Cortés from the Universidad Politécnica in Valencia, Spain for his proposal "SQL Script Profile for 52°North WPS-T".
The special award for applied open source development: Amos Kabo-Bah and Yin Zun from the International Institute for GIS and Earth Observation (ITC) in Enschede, the Netherlands for their proposal "Developing a GUI for Modelling the Water Quality of the 52°North Dinkel River".
The innovation prize was awarded by 52°North GmbH, con terra GmbH, ESRI Geoinformatik GmbH, the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC in Enschede) and the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Muenster.
More information: http://52north.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=291:ip09winners&catid=35:news-lnews-mila&Itemid=252


4. ILWIS 3.6 Open

ILWIS 3.6 Open is now available. This new release entails the full integration of GDAL, enabling users to use non-ILWIS raster data in ILWIS. Other new features include:
- support of Postgres tables and Postgis point and segment maps through native access from a Postgis database
- improved user interface for import: supports a plug-in model for import, thus new imports can be added without changing ILWIS
- extended plug-in model
- improved an extended Suface Energy Balancing (SEBS)
- improved installation program
- bug fixes

Download: http://52north.org/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=73&task=view.download&cid=121

More information:

Community: http://52north.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=16&Itemid=61

5. Web Processing developments

The 52°North Geoprocessing Community has released a new Web Processing Service version, as well as a new JUMP WPS Client.

The WPS 2.0 rc1 includes the following current features:
- Sextante<http://www.sextantegis.com/en/index.htm> processes integration
- GRID support
- internal architecture redesign
- support for (very large) rasters
- new Geotiff parser and generator
- improved asychronous datahandling + download of stored files
- support for literal output
- improvements for maven support
- extended Tutorial

The new JUMP WPS Client Version 2.0 rc1 includes:
- integration of 52N WPS 2.0 facilities
- smart selection of parsers and generators
- bug fixes

Download WPS:

Download WPS JUMP Client:

Community: http://52north.org/maven/project-sites/wps/52n-wps-site/

6.  SOS and Facebook

The Institute for Geoinformatics' (University of Muenster) Sensor Web and Simulation Lab (http://swsl.uni-muenster.de/) has just published a facebook application. This application allows the public to upload and share home weather station data. It is backed by the 52N Sensor Observation Service, which hosts the uploaded data.

Demo video: http://ifgiweb.uni-muenster.de/~e_juer01/all-together.htm<http://ifgiweb.uni-muenster.de/%7Ee_juer01/all-together.htm>.

Add application to facebook profile: http://apps.facebook.com/u-weather.

7. FOSSGIS 2009

As in the past, 52°North and its partners actively participated in the largest German conference for Free and Open Source GIS<http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/wiki/Main_Page> at the Leibniz University in Hannover from March 17 - 19, 2009. Almost 500 visitors from and outside of Europe attended the conference to find out about and discuss current open source developments in the field of geoinformatics.

52°North experts presented and demonstrated interoperable web-based services for sensor networks, a solution for safeguarding geo-services, as well as  standardized web-based geoprocessing.

More information: http://52north.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=292:fossgis2009&catid=45:news-archive&Itemid=253


8. Geoinformatik 2009
Over 300 visitors attended the first Geoinformatik 2009<http://www.geoinformatik2009.de/> in Osnabrueck from March 31 - April 2, 2009. This conference merged two former conferences - GI-Days and GI-TAGEN-NORD - into one and focussed on the use of geoinformatics for the environment and society. 52°North's Sensor Web Community presented and demonstrated the latest Sensor Web developments, e.g for fire detection and flood management.

More informaion: http://52north.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=293:geoinformatik2009&catid=45:news-archive&Itemid=253


If you do not wish to receive our Newsletter, please send an email containing "delete from newsletter list" to hitchcock at 52north.org<mailto:hitchcock at 52north.org>.

Sincerely yours,

Dipl.-Geogr. Ann Hitchcock
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster

Tel: +49 (0)251 7474 520
Fax: +49 (0)251 7474 530

email: hitchcock at 52north.org<mailto:hitchcock at 52north.org>

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk,
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

copyright 52°North GmbH, Muenster 2009
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