[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Foss4g2009] FOSS4G-2009 - Volunteers needed to help pack conference satchels

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Wed Oct 7 16:11:32 EDT 2009

I should also add that if you will be in Sydney on Monday, the satchel 
packing room will be where all the foss4g buzz will be happening on 
Monday morning, so make sure you drop by so that you can meet others, 
and then head off for a lunch and cruise of Sydney harbour afterwards.

If you are coming, please tell Bruce now, because we need to make a call 
on whether we need hired help before hand, and we would much prefer to 
spend this money on the conference - like extending the code sprint into 
the wee hours of the morning, or providing food as suggested.

Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We still need a few volunteers to help pack conference satchels.
> We're trying to save $1,500 which we think could be better spent on
> pizza and drinks for the code sprint.
> We're aiming for 6 to 10 volunteers.
> Please add your name to the volunteers list at:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Volunteers#Stuffing_Conference_delegate_bags
> When and Where:
> At this stage we're planning for 9am on Monday 19th October at the
> Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.
> Please check the above link in case of changed details closer to the
> event.
> I estimate that the task will take a few hours to do.
> Bruce Bannerman
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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