[OSGeo-Discuss] WMS Performance Shootout at FOSS4G 2009

Andrea Aime aaime at opengeo.org
Fri Oct 9 11:01:27 EDT 2009

Bob Basques ha scritto:
> All,
> Is there a list of the tests administered?   I would be interested in 
> the rendering speed of differently sized images and where the sweet spot 
> is for a particular engine in size vs rendering speed.  I did find the 
> description of source data.  Also any thing related to reprojection of 
> rasters on the fly?

The size of the images is randomized but "big" (in the 1024x768 
ballpark). There is no raster reprojection.
We won't change the tests definitions at this point, our current
problem is to reduce the amount of results we'll present (we have
too many already), but we hope to turn this exercise into a "classic"
that might be run even other times during the year (this one is
just a personal idea) so

> Are the Live Benchmarks links going to be the same for the duration of 
> the competition?

We want to keep a low profile and not divulge results up until the
presentation, so no, no links :-)


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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