[OSGeo-Discuss] Mind Map - Open Source Spatial Projects

Bruce Bannerman bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 21:14:29 EDT 2009

Thanks George,

> Amazing. Congratulations!

> Can i suggest a project that has been around for some years?

> Check Terralib and TerraView. It's a brazilian project and it's quite
> mature.

> http://www.terralib.org/ <http://www.terralib.org/>

> Regards,

> George

Terralib is there.

See Software Development>Toolkits>TerraLib

>From my assessment, I categorised it as a toolkit to help you develop
spatial applications.

I must say that I was impressed by the functionality available. If you
haven't already, have a read of Gilberto Camara's overview of TerraLib /
TerraView. The link is in the MindMap as per above.

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