Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] Mind Map - Open Source Spatial Projects

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Tue Oct 13 00:16:25 EDT 2009


Yeah I got that to work, but was wondering if there were other client 
that could read it.

I use a similar (pay for) application called Inspiration that allows for 
building of similar diagrams. I thought it might open the MM file, but 
no go.

Nice file BTW.


Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Bob,
> >
> >
> > What's the best Client for this MM stuff?  A little research
> > on it reveals there are more than one version of the file
> > format as well as more than one version of client, and not
> > all clients read all formats . . .
> >
> The format is Freemind mind mapping software.
> As per my original post:
> >>
> >> Details are at:
> >>
> >> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Bruce.bannerman
> >>
> >>
> I've received a few emails advising me that some people's email 
> clients have hidden the above URL.
> Two suggestions to get around this:
> - view the email source
> - go to the OSGeo Wiki and search for 'User:Bruce.bannerman'. You will 
> find the details there.
> Bruce
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