[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Labs invitation

STEPHEN STANTON sstanton at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 14 19:42:10 EDT 2009

Hi Landon,

Oh yes, I know that OSGeo projects aren't exclusively web-focused. It's just that people seem to find web stuff more exciting to work on, so it gets a bit of a high profile.

My cadastral app currently lets you enter dimensions/angles from hardcopy plans. As you do so, it constructs parcels on the fly, and lets you attach attributes to them. The next job is to provide the ability to change the observations, and propogate the impact throughout the database. It was there in the old C++ implementation, but I need to re-invent it for the new C# version (the old PSE persistence engine provided facilities that I can no longer use).

The database structure has a bit of a temporal aspect (it's big on "database" time, but makes it possible to associate data with "real" time). But it's not meant to be a public-facing database. My expectation is that once the data has been entered, relevant data would be replicated to a conventional system (e.g. think MapServer) that provides a snapshot view of the cadastre at a given point in time.

That's where it's at.


P.S. I should point out that if you download my google codebase today, I'm not sure if it will work flawlessly (can't exactly remember where I left it). But I'm here to help if anyone cares to ask! 

--- On Wed, 14/10/09, Landon Blake <lblake at ksninc.com> wrote:

> From: Landon Blake <lblake at ksninc.com>
> Subject: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Labs invitation
> To: "OSGeo Discussions" <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
> Date: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009, 11:22 PM
> Stephen,
> I'm a land surveyor and a desktop application programmer.
> So the
> interests at OSGeo may be more varied that you suspect.
> Tell me more about your application. What exactly is its
> current
> functionality?
> I wish I had time to contribute to another project. Your
> program sounds
> like it is right up my alley, and I've been looking for a
> reason to
> learn some Dot Net Development. :]
> Landon

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