[OSGeo-Discuss] Finding an OSGEO-related job in London

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Oct 15 01:40:06 EDT 2009

To add to Chris' comments... I suggest any job seeker offer to host an
OSGeo-UK meetup... bring the employers to you instead :)

Seriously though - there may be an opportunity here for those who have some
momentum for a local OSGeo chapter nearby. Get on the mailing list, ask for
ideas for a venue to meet and plan a meeting using the wiki or mailing list
- a couple folks will often volunteer to do a talk or provide a discussion

I believe that many local chapter OSGeo'ers are just waiting for a chance to
chat over a beer or talk and plan in a local boardroom. The upside to
helping plan it is you can give yourself a speaking slot to introduce what
you've been doing/playing with/learning and a URL to your CV at the end will
drive the point home :)

Best wishes!
----------------original message-----------------
From: "Chris Puttick" chris.puttick at thehumanjourney.net
To: "OSGeo Discussions" discuss at lists.osgeo.org
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 05:34:18 +0000 (GMT)
> And of course OA Digital, but while in the UK is not London. London is
under the 
> influence of the "if it don't cost, it ain't worth nothing" although we're

> hopeful revent gov't policy announcements and news like that of the recent

> systems change at the London Stock Exchange might change that; if there's
> to be anything, I'd sniff around the London mayor's office, Transport for
> and some of the London councils.
> Chris
> ----- "Landon Blake" lblake at ksninc.com wrote:
>> Matthew,
>> It doesn?t look like anyone responded to your post, so I will offer
>> some brief comments. I don?t think it likely that you will find a job
>> focused specifically on open source GIS. I am one of the moderator of
>> the OSGeo Jobs mailing list, and job postings there are quite rare in
>> our current economy.
>> I think you may have to settle for a job in GIS, with perhaps an
>> opportunity to occasionally dabble in open source GIS software. I can
>> think of only a handful of companies that work extensively with open
>> source GIS software, especially on the desktop. Examples are
>> Refractions Research, Vivid Solutions, and LISASoft. The first two are
>> Canadian companies, the second is in Australia.
>> A better option may be to take a ?regular? GIS job but to hone your
>> programming skill set by volunteering with one of the OSGeo projects.
>> (Let me know if you are really bored. I could put you to work on a
>> couple of things right now.) :]
>> Or you could possibly work part-time as a consultant trying to help
>> organizations get started with open source GIS.
>> At any rate, post a link to your resume on the OSGeo Jobs mailing
>> list. That can?t hurt.
>> Landon
>> Office Phone Number: (209) 946-0268
>> Cell Phone Number: (209) 992-0658
>> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>> [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Matthew Pulis
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:12 AM
>> To: discuss
>> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Finding an OSGEO-related job in London
>> Hi,
>> I am moving to London in late January 2010 and am trying to find a job
>> /
>> career in GIS preferably using Open Source GIS. I am finding it quite
>> hard
>> to find job openings in this field, especially in the GIS-T area;
>> which area
>> is my area of expertise. Anyone can recommend some job hunting
>> websites
>> which are more attributed to OSGEO please?
>> (Sorry for double posting but the previous one had the wrong subject
>> pasted)
>> Thanks,
>> Matthew
>> --
>> Matthew Pulis
>> URL : http://www.matthewpulis.info | http://www.solutions-lab.net
>> MSN : pulis_matthew[@] hotmail.com
>> ICQ : 145951110
>> Skype : solutions-lab.net
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