[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Labs invitation

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Thu Oct 15 11:17:51 EDT 2009

Cool! I was not aware of that. Could you please add a link on the OSGeo 
Labs page so we don't duplicate the efforts. I'm currently in a airport 
and may not have the chance to do it myself until after the weekend.


Jody Garnett wrote:
> There is already http://www.freegis.org/ providing a list.
> Jody
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:32 AM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix
> <jlacroix at mapgears.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to invite every FOSS4G presenters to register their projects in
>> the OSGeo Labs page. OSGeo Labs aims to gather together all geospatial
>> related FOSS projects and give visibility to all FOSS projects out there.
>> You do not have to aim for OSGeo incubation to register. Just being a Free
>> and Open Source Software and Geo related is enough to be added to the OSGeo
>> Labs page.
>> Please visit the OSGeo Labs page for more information:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Labs
>> Best regards,
>> Julien
>> --
>> Julien-Samuel Lacroix
>> Mapgears
>> http://www.mapgears.com/
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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