[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G: Beach Volleyball at Manly, Sydney, tomorrow

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sat Oct 17 21:36:40 EDT 2009

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> For those of you in Sydney this weekend.
> I plan to head down to Manly Beach with my two sons (11 & 12), at 
> 11:30am Sunday, tomorrow, to play beach volleyball or swim, with whoever 
> wants to join us. Depending on the tide, we might take our skidboards 
> with us which are lots of fun.
> Let me know via return email, SMS, or mobile phone if you plan to join us.
> Manly is a lovely beach, 30 minutes ferry ride from the city, which is 
> worth doing by itself. There are a lot of cafes and eateries for those 
> looking for lunch.

OMG can we also do this next Sunday?!?!?!  :)


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