[OSGeo-Discuss] PAL community platform

Olivier ERTZ olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch
Tue Oct 20 05:49:11 EDT 2009

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the start of PAL community platform and we 
invite you to visit http://pal.heig-vd.ch.

The major focus is to federate and bring together forces to maintain, 
offer support and follow innovative new developments in the field of 
labeling through PAL opensource library. Currently, a stable release of 
PAL automated label placement library is available, and the source code 
can be downloaded from the website. Also a start of documentation is 
ready to help new integrations and developements on the core library. A 
Trac instance and mailing-list was setup to manage the project 

Notice there are currently two integrations of PAL : for gvSIG and for 
QuantumGIS. Also, an integration for MapWindow is in progress.

If you plan a new integration or enhancements on the core library, feel 
free to join the mailing-list so as to post your needs, comments and 
ideas (http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pal-developer).

Best regards,

Olivier Ertz <olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch>
PAL initial team project member

HEIG-VD, University Of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
IICT, Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
Olivier ERTZ 
Avenue des Sports 20
CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
olivier.ertz at heig-vd.ch
+41 24 55 77570
-> http://www.heig-vd.ch
-> http://geosysin.iict.ch

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