[OSGeo-Discuss] GovHack 30,31 October - Climate Challenge mashup?

antti roppola hastur at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 09:04:53 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I saw the following on another mailing list I am on & thought I'd post
it here in case any Climate Plugfest people are reading:

GovHack is a free, intensive day and a half exploring ways of creating
mashups and applications with government data and services, and most
importantly building some applications before the event is over.



I was thinking it would be really cool to offer up the CSIRO and BoM
data into the mix as they are fresh and topical:

Can someone involved with the plugfest please consider letting the
GovHack people know about any climate change data they might be able
to add to the fray.

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