[OSGeo-Discuss] The Best API for accessing map/geospatial server

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Thu Oct 29 19:10:41 EDT 2009

>> i just got Java Geotools as an Java API to access the geospatial server based on WMS (OGC)
> Correct.
> You will find the GeoTools "DataStore" api lets you treat it like a
> database; and indeed lets you handle Shapefile / Web Feature Server
> and Databases in a similar fashion (with transactions and queries
> etc...).

thx for the reply jody

with this positoning, i feel that because no other than Java Geotools :)

i want to reverse,

which one of those map servers in the world have fully certified by
OGC for WMS implementation, so we know, all our apps that connect to
those geospatial server no need modification

i can change mapguide to mapserver to geoserver and vice versa

any idea all?

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