[OSGeo-Discuss] The Best API for accessing map/geospatial server

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 01:52:11 EDT 2009

To help in this you can now obtain the "cite" tests yourself; which
are used to test applications prior to being certified; so at least in
this case you can actually know what certification means.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Brian Russo <brian at beruna.org> wrote:
> Playing a bit of devil's advocate but (broadly speaking) if you want
> your app to be interchangeable with different implementations of
> (nontrivial) standards you always need to test interoperability anyway
> because even in (unattainable) perfectly bug-free software there is
> always some variance due to interpretation of the standard. In other
> words, there is usually some ambiguity/grey area in the standards.
> Not to knock on certification, but its not a silver bullet. Bottom
> line is testing is needed if interoperability is a mission
> requirement.
> On 10/29/09, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> i want to reverse,
>>> which one of those map servers in the world have fully certified by
>>> OGC for WMS implementation, so we know, all our apps that connect to
>>> those geospatial server no need modification
>> Certification costs money :-)  You also mentioned WMS again - and for
>> your use case you need Web Feature Server.
>> GeoServer is certified; MapServer works very well but had not been
>> certified (perhaps OSGeo can arrange payment to be waived?).
>>> i can change mapguide to mapserver to geoserver and vice versa
>>> any idea all?
>> I have worked well with MapGuide, MapServer and GeoServer (and deegree
>> which you did not mention). You are encouraged to ask other users for
>> their experience. I alway have trouble with MapServer WFS; due to
>> configuration - not due to the application.
>> Regards,
>> Jody
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