[OSGeo-Discuss] Mind Map - Open Source Spatial Projects

Barbier-Accary Aurélien Aurelien.Barbier-Accary at atosorigin.com
Mon Oct 12 10:26:30 PDT 2009


It seems you do not know OpenScales.org

OpenScales is a user-friendly and fast interface written in ActionScript3/Flex/AIR designed to visualize and manipulate spatial data.
OpenScales is open source with an LGPL license.

Initially, OpenScales was an ActionScript3 port of OpenLayers, since it has started from FlexLayers source code that we are actively improving to take advantage of new capabilities offered by ActionScript3 and Flex technologies.

To try it: http://openscales.org/


Aurélien Barbier-Accary
Team Leader at Atos Worldline, GIS department
Tél: +33 (0) 478.17.87.09
Mob: +33 (0) 637.29.75.35

De : discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] De la part de Bruce Bannerman
Envoyé : samedi 10 octobre 2009 02:04
À : Aust-NZ at lists.osgeo.org; discuss at lists.osgeo.org
Objet : [OSGeo-Discuss] Mind Map - Open Source Spatial Projects

I have been developing a Mind Map for a number of years, showing various Open Source spatial projects, with a summary of project features and links to project urls.

It should help as an aide-memoire for Open Source spatial projects.

I've released this under a Creative Commons license with the source in the OSGeo subversion repository.

Details are at:


The information in the mind map is a little dated. Perhaps a few of us can collaborate to maintain it.

Thanks to Tyler for his help in getting this into subversion.

Bruce Bannerman


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