[OSGeo-Discuss] Packaging MapGuide with LAMP/WAMP/XAMPP/MAMP?

Arnie Shore shoreas at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 11:00:52 EDT 2009

Has anyone here done any work re subject integration as a single
installation executable?

I have a PHP/MySQL OSS Computer-Aided-Dispatch application that uses GMaps,
Tickets by name, and I'm beginning to look at moving the geo element to OS.
MapGuide may represent a suitable platform for that package.

A fair number of users are new to the task of bringing up a web server
stack, and the availability of noted packages has been a great boost in such

While I'll be looking at those packages to see  what's involved, I thought
I'd check here  re any already-expended effort.  Thanks, all.
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