[OSGeo-Discuss] MapServer dynamic thematic map

=?gb2312?B?3Me9qNGr?= gis at shnu.edu.cn
Fri Sep 25 08:07:48 EDT 2009

I know that MapServer can draw dynamic thematic map(choropleth map) via
cgi.  I'd like to develope MapServer app via PHP MapScript to realize
the dynamic thematic map. But i find that the PHP MapScript interface
 cannot do this.
For instance, i have only one polygon layer about U.S states,and this
layer has 50 fields in the dbf or in MySQL,the most important thing is
 that these attributes values varying everyday. When the user select one
of the fields from the droplist component of the MapServer web app in Firefox or ie
 explorer,then the dynamic thematic map wil be drawn automaticly with the
 selected fields.
What can i do this via PHP MapScript ? I need your help. Thank a lot to
 you first!
  Best regards
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