[OSGeo-Discuss] proposal of new mailing list - graphics

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net
Tue Sep 29 18:20:15 EDT 2009

Hi Robert,
This is a beautiful initiative! It could also serve the online  
applications I would think.

On Sep 29, 2009, at 11:55 PM, Robert Szczepanek wrote:

> Hi,
> My request for new mailing list 'graphics' is related to ongoing  
> process
> of visual integration of few projects within OSGeo.
> At the moment GRASS and QGIS are involved, but gvSIG is also  
> interested
> in cooperation. Present stage of icons development is at:
> http://robert.szczepanek.pl/gis-icons-0.1/
> I found also that Symbol Registry is under development.
> But there is still missing one common place for discussion about
> graphics (symbols, icons, etc.).
> best regards,
> Robert Szczepanek
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