[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: Next 5 years for OSGeo

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Sep 15 11:23:28 PDT 2009

Julia Harrell ha scritto:

> numbers of them being willing to migrate to open GIS desktop packages. Some of the open GIS
> server packages can produce some really beautifully rendered map images now, but the desktop
> packages don't seem to be quite there yet.  Easy map product templates (for unsophisticated end
> users) for placing all the map marginalia/decorations (labeling, symbols, legends, titles,
> charts, etc) and being able to produce a professional looking map quickly is still missing. All
> that "off the map crap" (as someone - I can't recall who - once called it)  really does matter to
> a lot of our users, who often have to be able to compose and print (or render to PDF) some really
> slick looking, high resolution maps for public hearings and other meetings and presentations.

Hi Julia.
Have you tried QGIS recently? The quality of cartographic output has improved considerably, and I do
not find is particularly limited. It would be very useful if you (or your users) could let us know
specific missing features (perhaps opening a wish o the trac) so next version will be ok for your
use. Please note however that the missing features may cost very little to implement, so that if you
can avoid paying a few licences of prprietary sw, the thing may make economic sense even in the
first year (not to spaek about longer term returns).

> Being able to use the "old style" Arcview DBF file raster image catalogs in an open GIS desktop
> package  is another pain point for a lot of our users. We still use those a lot because we have

Have you tried GDAL virtual rasters? They can be produced easily, and can be read by QGIS smoothly.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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