[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: OSGeo Board Elections 2009

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Tue Sep 15 17:47:17 PDT 2009

Jeff McKenna

I nominate Jeff McKenna to the OSGeo Board of Directors.  Jeff has been 
active in OSGeo since being voted as a founding charter member.  He 
leads the conference committee and has assisted in each of the annual 
FOSS4G events since 2004.

Jeff has been very active in the MapServer community for almost 10 
years.  Not a trained developer, he has made a point of trying to help 
new users in any way that he can: such as through documentation, 
installers (MapServer 4 Windows, OSGeo4W), and answering general mailing 
list questions.  He is a member of MapServer's Project Steering 
Committee (PSC), which is responsible for the direction of the product.

Jeff is a frequent traveller, and enjoys spreading his passion for 
FOSS4G through workshops for new users around the world.  He actually 
enjoys training new users, and has held workshops at many universities 
and colleges.

As he is now operating his own consulting company based on FOSS4G, on 
the East Coast of Canada, I believe Jeff has the experience and he will 
bring passion and a strong voice to the OSGeo board.

Julien-Samuel Lacroix

Paul Ramsey wrote:
> OSGeo Members,
> The OSGeo Board Election for 2009 is now beginning. The first stage is
> the nomination of candidates for the board. Board membership is for a
> two year term, and half the Board is refreshed each year. This year
> there are five seats up for election.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2009#Board_Election
> Anyone can submit a Board nomination, however only Charter Members are
> eligible to serve on the Board. The complete list of charter members
> is available by combining
> * (2009 additions) http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2009
> * (Prior years) http://www.osgeo.org/charter_members
> Please submit your nominations, consisting of name and a paragraph
> describing why you think this person would make a good Board member,
> to cro at osgeo.org. Please ensure that your nominee is actually willing
> to serve, prior to nominating them.
> The nomination period will close at midnight Monday 21th September
> 2009, and will be followed by a one-week voting period.
> Yours,
> Paul Ramsey
> OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2009)

Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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