[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Next five years
Bob Basques
bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Wed Sep 16 18:34:48 PDT 2009
I'm working on something almost exactly as you describe, a connect
and/or standalone map service. I cal it a cascaded map service (might
be a mis-label), that can stay in sync with the remote server, and act
as a standalone when the network connection is not available.
My buisness needs go beyond emergency management however some some of
the guts are still harder to grasp by the beginner/sometimer admins.
But the hope is to make that all transparent, and reply on the
local(standalone) service to keep it self up to date based on a remote
service (that may or may not require the highend capabilities to set up.
(we use GeoMoose for example.).
I can keep you in the loop on things if you are interested.
Arnie Shore wrote:
> As a very interested lurker, and as one who has developed an Open
> Source Computer-Aided-Dispatch system that has embedded google's maps
> product, I can tell you that one of the deterrents I see is the
> relative complexity of an Open Source GIS implementation - as compared
> to the use of GMaps, which also, of course and notably, is free. The
> single source of both the tiles as well as the API is relatively
> straightforward for the non-cartographer novice.
> My user community includes a fair-sized portion who have never before
> implemented a web-server-based system, and our package is designed to
> minimize the number of elements that need separate collection and
> configuration. To tell them that they need a map server in addition
> to the stack that WAMP, XAMPP, MAMP, installs in a single executable
> will turn away too many candidates, IMO. In our case, the
> tile-serving capabilities could be met by a rather limited set of
> server-side functions that are OL-aware. But I haven't seen anything
> like that in the panoply of products that comprises the OSGeo world.
> Please correct me on this if such exits.
> (Further evidence of the importance of the ease-of-implementation
> issue is the proliferation of open source libraries that include
> capabilities taht are based on a GMaps foundation.)
> I will say that my users - many of whom are into emergency operations
> - indeed are asking for an implementation that wd allow operation
> while disconnected from the Internet. Impossible in a GMaps-based
> solution, but completely feasible in one based on OpenLayers plus
> locally stored OSM tiles. Users I've pointed to the available OSM
> sites have told me that the level of detail wd be completely
> satisfactory as a suitable replacement for GMaps. Which is a
> critically important data point, IMO.
> My perception of the current evolution of the world of Open Source GIS
> is toward greater complexity and richness. Which certainly makes for
> excitement and challenge for its enthusiasts; but that isn't doing
> much for those of us along the borders looking over the fences, and
> with limited hours available to hop that fence and get involved.
> Make entry easier than it is, folks. Please?
> A. Shore
> Annapolis, MD
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Ravi <ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
> <mailto:ravivundavalli at yahoo.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> have been going through all the wishes, all the arguments about
> how Open Source GIS must evolve etc. ...
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