[OSGeo-Discuss] Options for setting up a Web Feature Service

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Sun Sep 27 23:29:58 PDT 2009

Hi Nick,

if you are still interested in setting up a WFS (after what Chris had to
say), you might also want to check out the deegree WFS. http://deegree.org.

The current stable may be downloaded from
This will provide you with a documentation PDF as well as a webapp (war
archive) for your tomcat.

Kind regards,

nicholas.g.lawrence at transportandmainroads.qld.gov.au schrieb:
> Hello osgeo people,
> I am a member of a professional institution that is considering setting up
> a web feature service that publishes point locations, of members and
> offices, in a global context.
> The idea being to, instead of producing a map directly, to instead just
> publish the WFS, which makes the information available for mash-ups.
> The published data is likely to have a very small volume and only
> be updated a few times per annum.
> How do you go about setting up a WFS?
> Regards,
> nick

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