[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: FOSS4G Technology review presentations - Database

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 23:37:14 PDT 2010

Simon, to clarify, your presentation was ranked before FOSS4G stared as 
the topic that people would really like to see. I'm not sure if the 
attendees were satisfied or disappointed with your delivery.

Even if you don't make it to FOSS4G, I'm sure people would be very 
appreciative of your expertise in pulling together a Database 
comparison, possibly something like this gis web comparison table:


Simon Greener wrote:
> Cameron et al,
> Well I didn't know my presentation was that successful! I heard 
> otherwise on the day
> so never bothered to check on the voting. A nice number.
> I would love to give another paper at FOSS4G on some aspect of 
> database comparison
> from the perspective of standards (the bedrock of open source interop) 
> and open source
> application access.
> But I personally cannot justify, as yet, a trip overseas when the 
> potential short-term
> return on such an investment is so low.
> Perhaps things might improve and I will change my mind.
> But I concur that Cameron's idea is a good one: it just may not 
> involve me.
> regards
> Simon
> On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 08:06:44 +1000, Cameron Shorter 
> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are you interested in taking part in a FOSS4G Database comparison? Do
>> you know someone who should be?
>> At FOSS4G 2009, the community ranked an "Oracle Spatial vs Postgis"
>> presentation 8th out of 183 presentations. Lets see a similar
>> presentation put on which includes more databases.
>> If you are a DBA, or database user, or part of a database project, then
>> maybe you should volunteer to take part in this presentation.
>> I hope to see a presentation which at least covers:
>> * PostGIS
>> * Ingres
>> * Spatialite
>> * Oracle Spatial
>> If interested, please reply to this email, noting your interest, then
>> follow through with others to ensure that a FOSS4G presentation is put
>> forward by Thursday 15 April 2010.
>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Abstracts for FOSS4G are due next Thursday 15 April 2010 and I'm
>>> hoping that we will see abstracts for:
>>> * LiveDVD lightening overview
>>> * WMS/WFS/WCS Shootout
>>> * Desktop comparison
>>> * Browser Client comparison
>>> * Database comparison
>>> I predict that these presentations will be by far the most popular
>>> presentations of the conference. Further, I'm expecting to incorporate
>>> results onto the LiveDVD. They will be a lot of effort to prepare,
>>> partly because they will need a team of project developers to
>>> contribute to it, and consequently, unless we get our act together
>>> soon, I suspect that no-one will submit presentations for some of the
>>> topics above.
>>> So I encourage people to respond to the following targeted email
>>> threads, noting your intention to help and be part of one of the
>>> presentation teams. (Note, the presentation will be the easy bit, the
>>> hard bit will be collating the material for the presentation).
>>> A good team for these comparison projects will consist of:
>>> * a representative from each project in the comparison. These types of
>>> comparisons will be the first place new users will go when researching
>>> software, so are well worth participating in.
>>> * users who have used more than one of the applications
>>> * anyone involved in related comparison reviews, or development of
>>> feature tables or similar
>>> * coordinator/"get it done" people who can pull it all together
>>> * people who can speak well, and efficiently. (You will have lots of
>>> material to present is a short time)

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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