[OSGeo-Discuss] GeoNetwork opensource v2.6.2 released - Important security fixes included!

Jeroen Ticheler jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net
Thu Dec 23 15:48:56 PST 2010

Dear all,

We're happy to announce the release of GeoNetwork v2.6.2. This is a minor release that fixes a number of bugs and adds a number of great new improvements listed below.

A security hole was discovered that is fixed in this release. We strongly advise you to upgrade your existing implementations of GeoNetwork to this version!

You can download the release from http://geonetwork-opensource.org/downloads.html

I would like to thank all contributors to make this release possible!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very good 2011!

Kind regards,
Jeroen Ticheler
PSC Chair GeoNetwork opensource

--- Bug fixes

- Be sure id is an integer when creating SQL query. Thanks Pierre Mauduit
- Fix download with special character
- Protect code in getMetadataFromIndex if createDate or changeDate are null (for example, if created/harvested invalid metadata without this fields)
- Removed Download link (doesn't work within release documentation unless generic)
- Use permanent redirect instead of temporal redirect to avoid some issues when running with Apache proxy
- XSL processor configuration
- Fix #387 : GN vulnerable to other application's TransformerFactory
- Fix #397 : Thesaurus name after adding keyword
- Fix #398 : INSPIRE keywords not multilingual
- Fix #399 : Map in editor does not work correctly
- Fix #400 : Security hole in GeoNetwork -- search for owner
- Fix #413 : Fix typo in SQL scripts
- Fix #415 : Simple numeric indexing

--- Changes
- 2.6.x documentation updates
- Added documentation for ArcSDE harvester
- ArcSDE harvester documentation update
- GN logo points to http://geonetwork-opensource.org
- Improved documentation
- Improved pdf search print layout
- Removed InterMap log removal
- Small GUI improvements in search form
- Update version number in installer
- Updated Russian language files (thanks Irina Romanova)
- Updated documentation license
- Updated navigation for documentation
- Updated sql files for 2.6.2
- #376 : Configurable stopwords
- #391 Metadata Notifications to Remote Targets
- #407 : Option to discard invalid harvested metadata
- #410 : My Metadata function
- #411 : INSPIRE - support for CSW LANGUAGE parameter
- #412 : Add isPublishedToAll to geonet:info

GeoCat introduces Bridge©
An extension to ArcGIS© to instantly publish data and metadata on GeoServer and GeoNetwork.
See http://geocat.net for more details. 

Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Irisstraat 52
7531 CW Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572

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